Sustainability Report

Enviromental Social Governace 2024

"Sustainable development is development that allows the present generation to meet its needs without compromising the possibility of future generations to meet their own".
Rapporto Brundtland - "Our Common Future”

In November 2022 the European Parliament finally adopted the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) that from 2024, according to a precise agenda, will oblige companies to make public data about their environmental and social impact with the dual objective of combating greenwashing that is the facade ecology and of giving a tangible boost to the integration of sustainability in the productive processes.

Our company has decided to take the analysis path according to the ESG parameters since they essentially respond to the founding values of our company: daily commitment, honesty, loyalty, respect for people, communities and the environment in which they live.

With the support of our partner STP Certification, through a careful analysis developed during the first quarter of 2024, we concluded the 1st Sustainability Report, which also contains the objectives to be pursued in the short, medium and long term.

Download report ESG